Overcoming Your Monday Blues

One of the leading problems faced by society today is the ‘Monday Blues’. Starting the workweek after being off two days can sometime seem like too much to bear. A severe case of Monday Blues can develop into Tuesday Gloom, and even to Wednesday Meltdown. This is why it’s so important to nip it in the bud and start the week with a positive attitude.
Sure, getting up early to start yet another week of mundane routine is difficult to enjoy. However, there are several things you can do to mellow the effects of Monday Blues. Give them a try and you (probably) won’t regret it!
Don’t Rush Monday Morning
Start the week off in a relaxed mood with a nice breakfast, a refreshing shower, maybe even a workout or a walk outside. It’s important that you leave your body and mind some time to adjust after the weekend. If you start the week in a hurry, it’s bound to get stressed down the road.
Organize Your Work Space on Friday
The last thing you want to see on Monday morning is a messy desk. Keep that in mind as you’re getting ready to start your weekend on Friday and take the effort to tidy up. You’ll never stop thanking yourself for it when you arrive at work on Monday.
Make Plans for Monday Evening
Knowing that you have something fun to look forward to makes the toughest day of the week much easier to survive. It doesn’t have to be something grand – going to the movies, having pizza night with your family, yoga class or an after-work drink. Better not party too hard though. The whole point to avoid Monday Blues, and not just to postpone it for Tuesday.
Dress Up
Superficial as it may sound, looking good can improve your mood. When you’re standing in front of the closet on Monday morning, do yourself a favour and choose something that fits you incredibly well. Go out looking like a star and your state of mind will soon follow.
Clear Your To-Do List
Your Monday Blues isn’t going anywhere if you keep putting things off. These long overdue assignments aren’t going anywhere, no matter how long you ignore them. Procrastination is accompanied by guilt trips, but if you remove as many tasks as possible from your checklist already on Monday, you will feel great about yourself.
Don’t Be a Grouch
Ok, so you hate Mondays and there’s nothing you’d want more than click fwd and get to Friday. That’s not going to happen, so you’d better stop sulking. However, a little self-pity is acceptable.
Listen to Music that Cheers You Up
The effect that music has on people’s spirits is incredible. You would be amazed by how just one song can get you in a totally new state of mind. Whether by plugging in your earphones at the desk, taking your MP3 player for a short walk or turning the volume way up and dancing with your colleagues – you owe yourself at least one good tune.
Source: Wix 2012

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